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Official website of the Contest:

XIII International Multigenre Contest-Festival

“Let the Song Call Friends”

 Founders and organizers:

Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine;

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO;

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University;

Governmental Organization “A Song Gathers Friends”.

 Download regulations

Application form



The XIII International Multigenre Contest-Festival “Let the Song Call Friends” (hereinafter – the Contest) will be held from May 05 to May 09, 2025 in Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and in the concert halls of Chernivtsi.

1.1.The submission of application forms – until April 22, 2025:


1.2. The purpose and tasks:

  • to draw public attention to issues of musical culture and education;
  • to promote the establishment of musical and cultural communication with performers from different countries of the world, the preservation of musical traditions and the popularization of the best performing schools;
  • to create conditions for an interactive dialogue environment and social partnership (establishing creative contacts, strengthening ties with musical groups, soloists and their teachers);
  • to ensure the strengthening and development of creative ties of educational, cultural and art institutions;
  • to identify talented performers and reveal their creative potential;
  • to support the formation of competitiveness of musicians, that contributes to the development and preparation for their professional activities;
  • to contribute to raising the general level of musical and performing culture of young people.

1.3. Information about the Contest is posted on the official website festchoral.luguniv.edu.ua and Facebook, Instagram, Telegram pages.

1.4. The results of the Contest auditions will be posted on the official website.


2.1. Age categories

Debut –  2 – 6 years inclusive

I category – 7 – 9 years inclusive

II category – 10 – 12 years inclusive

III category – 13 – 15 years inclusive

IV category – 16 – 18 years inclusive

V category – 19 – 24 years inclusive

VI category – 25 +

2.2. Instrumental genre nominations:

– debut instrument;

– piano;

– string instruments (violin, viola, cello, contrabass harp);

– wind and percussion instruments:

– wooden (flute, piccolo flute, Pan flute, saxophone, clarinet, oboe);

– brass (trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba);

– percussion (xylophone, vibraphone, marimba, snare drum, multi-percussion).

– folk instruments (bayan, accordion, cymbals, guitar, bandura);

– instrumental ensemble (2–12 members);

– orchestra (folk, brass, pop-symphonic, etc.);

– amateur instrumental ensemble;

– virtual orchestra, ensemble.

  • Debut instrument (two compositions of one’s own choice)
  • Piano

I category, II category, III category (performance duration must be no more than 15 minutes):

  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;
  • a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

  • a polyphonic composition or a composition of large form;
  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant.
  • String instruments

I category, II category, III category (performance duration must be no more than15 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

– a composition of large form (I part of a concert or sonata);

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Wind and percussion instruments

I category, II category, III category (performance duration must be no more   than15 minutes):

  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;
  • a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category (performance duration must be no more   than 20 minutes):

– a composition of large form (I part of a concert or sonata);

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Folk instruments

I category, II category, III category (performance duration must be no more than 15 minutes):

  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;
  • a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

  • a polyphonic composition or a composition of large form;
  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;
  • Instrumental ensemble
  • Orchestra
  • Amateur instrumental ensemble
  • Virtual orchestra, ensemble

I, II , III, IV, V, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

  • a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;
  • a composition of one’s own choice.

2.3. Nominations of the vocal and choral genre:

– vocal debut;

– academic solo singing;

– pop solo singing;

– folk solo singing;

– vocal ensemble (duets, trios, quartets, ensembles (up to 12 people),

– vocal-instrumental ensemble (bandurist ensemble, bandurist chapel, etc.);

– choir (academic, pop, folk);

– amateur choir;

– amateur vocal ensemble;

– virtual choir.

  • Vocal debut (two compositions of one’s own choice)
  • Academic solo singing

I category, II category, III category: (performance duration must be no more than 15 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category: (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

– an aria by a Ukrainian or foreign composer;

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant.

  • Folk solo singing

I, II, III , IV, V, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 15 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Pop solo singing

I category, II category, III category (performance duration must be no more than15 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

IV category, V category, VI category (performance duration must be no more  than 20 minutes):

– a song by a composer of the country represented by the contestant;

– a world hit (original language).

  • Vocal ensemble (duets, trios, quartets, ensembles)
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble (bandurist ensemble, bandurist chapel)

I ,II, III ,IV, V, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 15 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the ensemble;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Choral group (academic, pop, folk)

I, II , III , IV, V, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

– a composition by a composer of the country represented by the choral group;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Amateur choir
  • Amateur vocal ensemble

I, II , III , IV, V, VI category (performance duration must be no more than 20 minutes):

– a composition of the country represented by the ensemble;

– a composition of one’s own choice.

  • Virtual choir/ orchestra (clip) (academic, pop, folk)

I , II , III, IV ,V,VI category

– a composition of one’s own choice.

 Video recordings of the contest performances nominations Virtual choir orchestra (clip) must be posted on YouTube video hosting and a link for viewing must be indicated in the Application Questionnaire. Video recordings must be made with clear sound and image.


  3.1. All compositions are performed by heart.

  3.2. It is not possible to use phonograms + or register individual voices sung

by performers.

  3.3. After the completion of acceptance of applications change

compositions of contest program is not possible.

3.4. Contestants have the right to perform within their age category in different

nominations, provided they pay a charitable contribution for each nomination (the second – 50%)

3.5. For younger categories (choirs and orchestras), up to 20% of older

participants are allowed.

3.6. Participants of the nomination “Folk solo singing” choose musical

accompaniment by their own : piano, accordion, accordion, instrumental ensemble, orchestra, etc.

3.7. By prior arrangement, the Organizing Committee provides the contestant

with a concertmaster (paid service).

3.8. Contestants performing with a soundtrack provide it

to your sound engineer before starting the acoustic rehearsal (it is necessary to have several copies of the phonograms on several media). Phonograms are not sent in advance.

3.9. All contestants are obliged to learn the anthem of the festival “Let the

song gather friends” (music by G. Kovalova, lyrics by Ya. Kushnir). You can read the choir’s score on the official website festchoral.luguniv.edu.ua under the “Participants” menu item.


4.1. For solo and collective performance nominations:

– level of mastery of voice or musical instrument;

– the complexity of the performed composition;

– originality of interpretation of musical works;

– performance skills (expressiveness, emotionality, purity of intonation, composition, ensemble, possession of dynamic skills, artistry);

– stage culture.

 4.2. For virtual performance nominations (virtual choir/orchestra):

  • sound quality;
  • expressiveness of the visual perception of the performers (emotions, clothes, shooting background);
  • compliance of the video series with the musical drama and the presence of the logic of the unfolding of the screen action (episodic dramatic composition);
  • compliance with the principles of video editing (by format, colour, light and shade);
  • expressiveness of the opening and closing frames (metaphorical screen saver, expressiveness of the titles (name of the group, leaders, title of the composition, authors of the composition).

4.3. The results of the contest auditions will be recorded by each member of the Jury separately and will be summarized during the  session of the Jury.

4.4. The winners will become those participants who will score the highest total number of points. In the case of the same number of points, the head of the Jury has the right to a decisive vote.


5.1. The Jury consists of outstanding figures of musical art of Ukraine and foreign countries.(with their consent)

5.2. The quantitative composition of the Jury: no more than 5 people in each nomination, including the Chairman of the Jury.

5.3. According to the rating in each age category and nomination, the Jury determines the Laureates of the I, II, III degree, Diplomats of the IV, V degree and the winner of the Grand Prix in each nomination. The Jury has the right to distribute prizes between contestants with the same number of points (by rating in each age category).

5.4. Jury meetings are closed. Decisions are final, not subject to discussion, revision or appeal, and are drawn up in protocols.

5.5. The Jury has the right to award participants for the best performance of individual works; the best concertmasters; the best teachers; group leaders for preparation and participation in the Contest.

5.6. Teachers and concertmasters will receive diplomas.


6.1. The order of competitive auditions is determined by the order of applications received.

6.2. The course of the Contest-festival is covered by mass media. The organizing committee reserves the right to broadcast audio and video recordings of the performances.

6.3. Information on the order of competitive performances is posted on the official website of the Competition-Festival festchoral.luguniv.edu.ua  and Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram pages.

6.4. The results of competitive performances are published on the official website festchoral.luguniv.edu.ua  after the completion of the competition days.

6.5. Laureates of the 1st degree and Grand Prix winners must participate in the Gala concert

6.6. The Jury and the Organizing Committee have the right to remove participants from competitive performances for non-fulfillment of the terms of this Regulation.


7.1. The Contest is a non-commercial event. It is carried out at the expense of charitable and sponsor contributions. Financing of the Contest is carried out by attracting sources and revenues that are not prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine. In order to properly organize and conduct the Contest, all participants pay a charitable contribution (specified when filling out the Application Form). The charitable contribution is not returned even if the participant withdraws from the Contest.

The application is considered accepted on condition of a reply letter from the Organizing Committee to the specified e-mail within 3 days.

7.2. Contestants pay a charitable contribution, the size of which is:

  • 500 UAH for soloists;
  • 250 UAH for an ensemble from each participant (up to 5 participants);
  • 150 UAH for an ensemble from each participant (from 6 to 12 participants);
  • 1500 UAH for a choir, a bandurist band, and an orchestra.

7.3. Details for payment in UAH:


Recipient code: 41576358

Name of the bank: JSC CB “PrivatBank”

Recipient’s account in IBAN format: UA143052990000026003021800212 (type without a space)

Purpose of payment: charitable contribution

WARNING! When paying the contribution, take into account the bank’s commission!

7.4. Details for payment in euros:

Details for payment in euros:


IBAN Code: UA103052990000026009031803593,



Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401,


Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Purpose of payment: charitable contribution


7.5. Filling out the application form (until April 22, 2025):


7.6. High-quality colour photo:

  • a vertical photo (for the solo performers) – jpeg (jpg) format, size 1795×1205 px (10x15cm), extension 300 dpi;
  • a horizontal photo (for the groups) – jpeg (jpg) format, size 2398×3602 px (20×30 cm), extension 300 dpi.

7.7. The application is considered accepted on condition of a reply letter from the Organizing Committee to the specified e-mail within 3 days.

 Facebook page:

Instagram page: 


 Youtube page


Telegram page


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